About Us

St Germain’s Wellbeing offers free emotional support to anyone aged 18+ experiencing common mental health problems like anxiety or depression. People can access this support at our weekly Wellbeing Drop-In, or they can register with us for a short course of one-to-one emotional support sessions.

Our Wellbeing Scale data for 2023 showed that more than 80% of people who completed these sessions experienced a significant improvement in their mental health.

We can offer:

  • A non-judgemental listening ear

  • Help to understand mental health problems and what keeps them going

  • Self-help skills and strategies to help with coping and recovery

  • Support with accessing other services that can help

What We Do

Free Weekly Wellbeing Drop-In

Our Drop-In runs alongside the Church’s Community Café and provides an opportunity to get help with emotional and practical problems, without the need for an appointment. You can just turn up and speak with a member of our team, which includes our Emotional Wellbeing Practitioners and Listening Volunteers, who work alongside local Community Network Support Officers from the Adult Social Care, Welfare Rights Advisers (who can help with benefits issues), Sifa Fireside’s Adult Support Hub team and Employment Support Specialists from “Thrive Into Work”.

If you are interested in specific support with practical concerns, e.g. housing or benefits, it’s best to email wellbeinghub@stgermains.org.uk or call us first on 0121 517 0476 to check when the relevant support professional will next be at the Drop-In.

Where: St Germain’s Church Hall
Mondays, 11.30am-2.00pm
What: Mental health support, advice and guidance
How: Just turn up and you’ll be able to speak to one of our Wellbeing Team!

1:1 Mental Health Support Sessions

We know how daunting it can feel getting support- here at St Germain’s Wellbeing all our staff have lived experience of mental health challenges. That’s why we make our setting as comfortable and non-clinical as possible- we want our clients to feel like they are being truly listened to in a non judgemental way. We are really proud of our effective* 4-6 session therapy model too- our one-to-one structured support sessions last 50-60 minutes and are based around upskilling our clients to self-manage their emotional difficulties by helping them understand them more and by teaching them evidence-based self-help skills and strategies.

* Our 2023 data measured using WEMWBS showed that more than 80% of people who completed these sessions experienced a clinically significant improvement in their mental health.

Where: In person at St Germain’s Church Hall, by phone or online
Usually during office hours, Monday-Friday
What: 4-5, 50-60 minute sessions of guided self-help support
How: Get in touch with us by email wellbeinghub@stgermains.org.uk or by phone 0121 5170476

Wellbeing Workshops

We all need to look after our emotional health as much as our physical health. In fact, they are intimately connected- after all, our brains are a part of our bodies too! St Germain’s Wellbeing is running a series of free Wellbeing Workshops that focus on learning skills and creativity to help with a whole range of common issues- from worry and low mood, to controlling anger and writing for wellbeing.

You can attend as many or as few of these workshops as you like and there’s no need to book- just turn up! After listening to feedback from previous attendees, we’re holding each session twice- once on a Monday, once on a Friday- so just pick a day that suits you best.

Mindfulness Now- free 8 week course

Do you find yourself reliving the past or worrying about the future?
Do you struggle to stay focused on what’s happening in the here-and-now?

Our mindfulness course combines various simple techniques proven to help you establish sustainable wellbeing practices that cultivate “mindfulness”; a non-judgemental awareness of the present moment. These mindfulness techniques are proven to reduce stress, anxiety, low mood, chronic pain and improve overall wellbeing, resilience and focus.

Where: St Germain’s Church Hall
Our next Mindfulness course will start in October/November 2024
What: A free 8 week course on mindfulness techniques
How: Register your interest for the Mindfulness Course by clicking here or calling us on 0121 517 0476

With thanks to…

Get in Touch!

If you’d like more information, please drop us an email at wellbeinghub@stgermains.org.uk or call us on 0121 517 0476 Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm. Professionals are also very welcome to refer to us this way to find out more about the service and to request a referral form.

If you’re not sure if this support is right for you or if you think you’ll need some help filling out the referral form, a member of our friendly team will discuss it with you. You can also come to our Drop-Ins to find out more about us!

0121 517 0476

Monday-Thursday, 9am-5pm

St Germain’s Church, City Road, Edgbaston, B17 8LE

